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Chapter: 2 / Q: 1
A 27-year-old man is referred from accident and emergency on a Friday night. He is complaining of pain in his left hand and describes injuring it by punching a wall following a fight with his girlfriend. He notes that the hand is swollen and he is not quite able to form a fist due to the pain
Chapter: 2 / Q: 2
A 58-year-old gentleman was admitted complaining of lower back pain. He noted that the back pain had gradually worsened and had now stopped responding to analgesia. He described some radiation of the pain into his right thigh but denied any sciaticalike symptoms. He was afebrile and had a limited
Chapter: 2 / Q: 3
A 14-year-old boy is brought to hospital by ambulance having been involved in a road traffic accident. He was in the front seat and was wearing a seatbelt but had been incorrectly belted. He arrives intubated by the ambulance crew and is hypotensive. A FAST scan demonstrates free fluid
Chapter: 2 / Q: 4
A young child is brought to her GP by her mother who has noticed she has developed a rash over her face and neck. The child is otherwise well and the mother describes no other symptoms apart from a mild itch that occurs now and again around the lesions. On examination there are multiple small
Chapter: 2 / Q: 5
A 34-year-old man is referred from the surgical team and seen by the dermatologists for an itchy rash in his elbow creases, which he has been scratching for the past week. He is diagnosed with eczema on inspection of the rash. Which of the following patterns is NOT part of the eczema
Chapter: 2 / Q: 6
A 72-year-old Afro-Caribbean man presents to his GP after problems initiating micturition. He has taken to wearing a pad during the day and finds that he has to use the toilet frequently at night, with occasional urinary accidents and post-void dribbling. Abdominal examination is remarkable only
Chapter: 2 / Q: 7
A 54-year-old man presents feeling unwell with a failure to pass urine for 24 hours. Blood results taken on admission show a raised urea and creatinine and his blood pressure lying is 165/92mmHg. Abdominal palpation reveals a suprapubic domeshaped mass that is dull to percussion. CT scan
Chapter: 2 / Q: 8
A fit 26-year-old lady was admitted to hospital with cellulitis of her left leg later found to be secondary to a spider bite. She was started on intravenous antibiotics – flucloxacillin and benzylpenicillin having no known drug allergies. The on-call house officer was called to see her due
Chapter: 2 / Q: 9
A 79-year-old lady with known chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been admitted 6 times in the past 6 months. On this admission she complains of increasing shortness of breath and difficulty in coping at home. On observation from a distance this lady is comfortable at rest with a respiratory
Chapter: 2 / Q: 10
A 97-year-old lady is referred to the on-call surgical team by her GP. She has been complaining of a cold, painful leg for the past 6 hours. On examination the GP notes that the skin appears to be mottled and notes the absence of pulses below the femoral artery on the affected side. Of note
total questions: 454




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