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Chapter: 6 / Q: 5
In a lead pipe factory, you want to carry out a screening programme in workers to exclude lead poisoning. Your choice of the most useful screening test will be measurement of:
Chapter: 6 / Q: 6
In a lead pipe factory, you want to carry a screening programme in workers to exclude lead poisoning. Your choice of the most useful screening test will be measurement of:
Chapter: 6 / Q: 7
Your opinion is sought as a Public Health Specialist by the employers of a glass factory in which some workers have developed Silicosis. The most important control measure that you recommend is:
Chapter: 6 / Q: 8
Twenty workers of a chemical factory located in an industrial area near Lahore, are handling irritant chemicals (dichromates) as part of their jo Such workers require periodic medical examination. What could be the appropriate frequency of such examinations in your opinion?
Chapter: 6 / Q: 9
The commonest physical health hazard in most industries is:
Chapter: 6 / Q: 10
A worker of a brick kiln was brought to the emergency department, in an unconscious stat He was hypotensive and sweating profusely. The likely condition he suffered from was;
Chapter: 6 / Q: 11
A pottery industry worker developed symptoms of tuberculosis. The likely condition which resulted in tuberculosis was:
Chapter: 6 / Q: 12
A shipyard worker presents with increasing breathlessness. His X-ray shows ground glass appearance in lower two thirds of lungs. He is likely to be suffering from:
Chapter: 6 / Q: 13
A research team conducted a nation wide survey of Industries and factories. While arranging the data they observed that the most common occupational cancer was:
Chapter: 6 / Q: 14
A rubber industry worker presents with abdominal colic and severe anemi His blood examination reveals basophilic stippling of RBCs and microcytic anemi What is the likely diagnosis?
total questions: 1275




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