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Chapter: 3 / Q: 16
In a poor community, there is high prevalence of acute diarrhea cases. The best method for preventing this health problem in the long run is:
Chapter: 3 / Q: 17
Six of the ten family members living in a single room house complain of intense itching with scratching in axillae, groin and hands; it is more marked at night. The most likely diagnosis is:
Chapter: 3 / Q: 18
In a house consisting of two living rooms, the door and windows are facing each other. This will provide:
Chapter: 3 / Q: 19
A 12 members family was living in a house consisting of two rooms. Which disease is most likely to be common in the given situation?
Chapter: 3 / Q: 20
A 5 member family was residing in a small house. The available floor space to one person was 30 sq ft. The problem which is more likely to be associated with this available space is:
Chapter: 3 / Q: 21
A water sample was taken from a village near Taxila On chemical analysis the fluoride level was found to be 0.03 mg/lit. The likely effect on the body is:
Chapter: 3 / Q: 22
A water sample taken from a water storage tank of a residential area was sent for bacteriological examination in the laboratory. A test of water sample by multiple tube method was found positive, which referred to the presence of:
Chapter: 3 / Q: 23
An army troop while being transported to Himalayan station had to stay at the altitude of 12,000 feet for 04 days. One of the soldiers developed pulmonary edema. The best immediate measure to be taken is:
Chapter: 3 / Q: 24
A Person working in compressed air chamber presented with symptoms of cough, dyspnoea and joint pains. This clinical presentation is suggestive of:
Chapter: 3 / Q: 25
The atmospheric pressure at earth’s surface close to the sea level averages 760 mm of Hg. If a man lives at an altitude of 13000 feet above the sea level for few years, the main physiological effect is:
total questions: 1275




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