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Chapter: 5 / Q: 5.5
Write a function sumsteps2 that calculates and returns the sum of 1 to n in steps of 2, where n is an argument passed to the function. For example, if 11 is passed, it will return 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11
Chapter: 5 / Q: 6.5
Write a function prodby2 that will receive a value of a positive integer n and will calculate and return the product of the odd integers from 1 to n (or from 1 to n-1 if n is even). Use a for loop
Chapter: 5 / Q: 7.5
Write a script that will:  generate a random integer in the inclusive range from 2 to 5  loop that many times to o prompt the user for a number o print the sum of the numbers entered so far with one decimal place
Chapter: 5 / Q: 8.5
Write a script that will load data from a file into a matrix. Create the data file first, and make sure that there is the same number of values on every line in the file so that it can be loaded into a matrix
Chapter: 5 / Q: 9.5
Write code that will prompt the user for 4 numbers, and store them in a vector. Make sure that you preallocate the vector!
Chapter: 5 / Q: 10.5
Write a for loop that will print the elements from a vector variable in sentence format, regardless of the length of the vector. For example, if this is the vector:
Chapter: 5 / Q: 11.5
Execute this script and be amazed by the results! You can try more points to get a clearer picture, but it may take a while to run
Chapter: 5 / Q: 12.5
A machine cuts N pieces of a pipe. After each cut, each piece of pipe is weighed and its length is measured; these 2 values are then stored in a file called pipe.dat (first the weight and then the length on each line of the file)
Chapter: 5 / Q: 13.5
Come up with “trigger” words in a problem statement that would tell you when it’s appropriate to use for loops and/or nested for loops
Chapter: 5 / Q: 14.5
With a matrix, when would:  your outer loop be over the rows  your outer loop be over the columns  it not matter which is the outer and which is the inner loop?
total questions: 459




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