Study guide with 2,000 multiple-choice questions and answers per test. Each test is subdivided by topic and allows quick identification of weak areas. Answers are adjacent to questions. Wire-spiral binding.

Chapter: - / Q: -
The adductor tubercle is located medially on the femur:
Chapter: - / Q: -
The sustentaculum tali is located medially on the talus:
Chapter: - / Q: -
The major longitudinal growth of the tibia takes place at the ankle:
Chapter: - / Q: 1392
The iliofemoral ligament attaches distally at the intertrochanteric crest:
Chapter: - / Q: -
The ilium, pubis, and ischium meet in the acetabulum:
Chapter: - / Q: -
Primary source of blood for the soleus muscle is the:
Chapter: - / Q: -
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are both associated with increased bone density adjacent to joint surfaces:
Chapter: - / Q: 1371
Trauma to the femoral nerve in the inguinal region would produce loss of sensation in the following regions except:
Chapter: - / Q: -
A 38-year old woman is escorted to your office by a work supervisor from a factory two blocks away. The woman relates that she was, "Ran into by a !! **!! fork-lift operator while on the job." Your examination of this patient reveals: 1) a loss of sensation on the dorsum the left foot; 2)
Chapter: - / Q: -
The type of human gait in which the stance phase of the cycles for both lower limbs occur synchronously, (simultaneously) as do the swing phase of the cycles, and are repeated can best be described as:
total questions: 389




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