Algorithms questions

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draw a flowchart to sum 2 numbers
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Write an algorithm, pseudocode and draw a flowchart of for the following problem of which the computer can compute the number of cables needed to create a network using ring topology and star topology in a sequence
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Write an algorithm to determine a student’s final grade and indicate whether it is passing or failing. The final grade is calculated as the average of four marks.(take 4 mark : m1,m2,m3,m4)
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Can the hamiltonian cycle problem be solved in ploynomial time?
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Write an algorithm, pseudocode and draw a flowchart of finding the area of parallelogram
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Write an algorithm, pseudocode and draw a flowchart of finding body mass index (BMI) for men based on international system of unites (SI)
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draw flowchart and write algorithm and c program that prompts user to enter student grade and prints the evaluation , your program should display the meaning of grade as per the following table
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linkedlist project for cs210 course
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Dijkstra’s algorithm is based on
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Which of the following algorithm design technique is used in finding all pairs of shortest distances in a graph?
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A problem in NP is NP-complete
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The worst case running times of Insertion sort, Merge sort and Quick sort, respectively, are:
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Which of the following statements is TRUE?
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